What is Thrombocytopenia?

What is Thrombocytopenia?

Low platelet counts are called Thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia are platelets and Penia means deficiency. Both terms together called Thrombocytopenia.

What is the Normal range of Platelets?

A healthy person usually has a platelets counts 1, 50,000 to 4, 00,000. If the number falls under 1, 50,000, it is called as Thrombocytopenia.

What is the cause of the low platelet count?

One of the most common causes of low platelet count is infection. When the immune system of the body doesn’t work properly against disease and antibody starts destroying platelets.

The following causes may responsible for Thrombocytopenia diminished production:-

  • Viral Infection – Dengue Fever, CORONA VIRUS disease, Chickenpox, hepatitis-C, HIV, Mumps, Rubella.
  • Bacterial Infection – Typhoid fever.
  • Anaplastic Anemia.
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
  • Chronic Lymphocytic leukemia.
  • Drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia
  • Carcinoma
  • Vitamin B12 / folate deficiency.
  • Increased consumption of platelets.
  • Drinking a lot of alcohol.

How Platelets becomes low?

There may be three mechanisms of reduced platelets counts:-

  1. Failure of megakaryocyte maturation and hence platelet formation reduce.
  2. Excessive platelets consumption after their release into the circulation.
  3. Platelets sequestration in an enlarged spleen.

Symptoms of Low platelets Count:-

  • A superficial tiny area of bleeding into the skin resulting in small reddish spots.
  • Bleeding from the nose and gums.
  • Blood in Urine or stool.
  • Usually heavy menstrual flows.
  • Intracranial hemorrhages.
  • Hemorrhages in the eye.
  • Bleeding from wounds that last for a pro-long period.
  • Bloody or very dark vomit.


  1. Blood Test
  • Complete blood count.
  • Partial thromboplastin time.
  • Prothrombin time.
  1. Ultrasound
  • For hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.
  1. Bone marrow aspiration and Bone Marrow biopsy.


Treatment at Nano Photon Homeopathic clinic and research center:-

Nano Photon Homeopathic clinic & research center cure the Thrombocytopenia quickly by homeopathic medicine and platelets raises from 50,000 to 1, 00,000 within 24-hours.


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Arthritis is inflammation of joints and pain. nano photon homeopathy finds the exact cause of joint pain and treats it successfully. the cause may be typhoid, high serum uric acid, rheumatic arthritis, injury, anemia, hypothyroidism, serum calcium, and vitamin D deficiency.


In dengue and other diseases in which platelet count decreased like typhoid, anemia, cancer, or other infections. Nano photon homeopathic clinic successfully treat. platelets increased up to a normal range within 3 to 7 days.


If the patient suffers from typhoid fever, they have many symptoms like body
temperature rise, headache, vertigo, mental confusion, anorexia, tiredness, falling of hair, nose bleeding, indurated lymph gland, dim vision, mania, chest pain, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, jaundice, gall bladder stone, pancreatitis, intestinal lesion, low platelet count(thrombocytopenia), pain in the abdomen, pain in the muscle, pain in the bone, pain in joints, and lumbar spondylitis. Nano photon homeopathic clinic successfully treats these symptoms and disease.


This occurs at every age of people in male, female, and children, patients can not tell about this to others and become serious. these types of diseases cured in two to three weeks and relief start within two days. Nano photon homeopathic clinic cure more than 95% of cases.

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